Comments on the 2013 Municipal Election

22 October, 2013
/ in Blog
/ By Jason Stephan, C.A., LL.B.

In respect of the 2013 Red Deer municipal election (“Election”), the Association would first and foremost like to congratulate all of the candidates, both elected and non-elected, for their commitment to the betterment of our community.

Analyzing the results of the Election, we have the following comments:

  1. While up from the prior election, voter participation in the Election was less than 33%. This voter apathy is unfortunate; a more engaged and vested electorate leads to increased accountability for the use of taxpayer dollars. Our elected representatives have significant input on the use of our taxpayer dollars. Those dollars matter; efficient and economic spending allows those finite dollars to go further, improving the quality of life in our community.
  2. There was a significant bloc of voters who wish to maintain the status quo. To the credit of these voters, they were more motivated to get out and vote than the majority of other voters.
  3. The Association is optimistic that this new council and Mayor will strive in a meaningful way to improve the economic and efficiency in the City’s spending of hard earned taxpayer dollars.