Join Us

Central Alberta is a great place for businesses and families. Our goal is to make things even better by encouraging our City to use taxpayer dollars in an economic and efficient manner

Our ability to advocate on behalf of taxpayers for improved stewardship of their hard earned dollars is correlated to a strong Association membership. We need you; please join us.

The Association is providing a community service and membership in your Association is FREE. Please accept our invitation to join the Association by completing the form below. The Association uses its membership rolls only for the purpose of providing periodic update communications to our members concerning the City’s management of taxpayer dollars.

Taxpayers wishing to become more involved in the Association’s respectful advocacy and educational initiatives can also become voting members by making a nominal membership fee payment of $20 per annum. Please contact us below to do so.

Finally, we invite you to consider making a donation to the Association. As a non-profit organization under the Income Tax Act (Canada) and an association formed under the Societies Act (Alberta), membership fees and donations are used by the Association only for advocating for improved stewardship of your hard earned tax dollars.

To contact us, email